Ultraviolet Air Purifier from Wave Home Solutions
by Donna
(United States)
Well i have what i like to call the champion of all air purifiers!!! We bought the Ultraviolet Air Purifier from wave home solutions. This air purifier is simply the best!
We originally bought this item because our son had real bad allergies. These allergies cased him terrible breathing issues. Since we purchased this item we have noticed a tremendous change in his breathing! The doc even got rid of one of his inhalers that he has been taking for 5 years!
This unit uses uv light to filter the air. The purifier we had before this one was a bit pricy for the work that it did. In the year that we have had this unit we have seen a great change in the quality of air in our home. The customer service that is given by the manufacturer is top notch they are on top of keeping there users happy.
The only isssue we ran into at first was this. "How do we change the filter?" We looked for a few hours before we called customer service and they told us that there is no filter to change!!! Talk about money savings. Well to make along story short the UV air purifier is by far the best investment we have made in our health in years.
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