The Ionic Pro Air Purifier Series 
  The Ionic Pro air purifier product line currently offers five different models, each designed with its own set of individual features and functions, but yet all contain certain basic elements across the board. Some of the features that they all share include totally silent operation, extremely energy efficient, really easy to operate and very affordable. But the main trait that the Ionic Pro air purifier series possess is a purifying technology called the ion generator.An ion generator is a type of air purifying technology that produces charged ions that attaches themselves to unwanted airborne contaminants and causes them to stick to surfaces in the surrounding area. But with the Ionic Pro series, the charged contaminants are captured on negatively charged collection blades located within the units. Some of the solid airborne contaminants this technology captures include pollen, pet hair, household dust, smoke, pet dander, and so much more. There are five different models in the Ionic Pro air cleaner product line. Although all of them share the ionic purifying technology, each model has their own additional filtering technologies integrated into their systems that separate them from each other. The following is the review Ionic Pro air purifier list of the different models and their supplementary features and filtering technologies.
Ionic Pro Ionic Air PurifiersFilter Technology Ion Generator - pollen, dust, smoke, pet dander, pet hair, and much more contaminates down to the size of 1 micron. Area Coverage Medium- to Large-sized Rooms up to 500 sq. ft. Read a detailed review of Ionic Pro Ionic air purifier here. Ionic Pro CompactFilter TechnologyIon Generator - pollen, dust, smoke, pet dander, pet hair, and much more contaminates down to the size of 1 micron. Area Coverage Small- to Medium-sized Rooms up to 250 sq. ft. Read a detailed review of Ionic Pro Compact here.
Ionic Pro PureproFilter Technologies
Medium- to Large-sized Rooms up to 900 sq. ft. Read a detailed review of Ionic Pro Purepro air purifier here.
Ionic Pro Turbo  Filter Technologies
Medium- to Large-sized Rooms up to 500 sq. ft. Read a detailed review of Ionic Pro Turbo air purifier here.
Ionic Pro TherapureFilter Technologies
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Air Purifier Reviews![]() Write a review of your Air purifier here... Site SponsorsOur Advertising PolicyWhat Can Air Purifiers Do?Air purifiers can reduce and eliminate a whole host of airborne contaminants such as -
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