Central air purifiers can be a great way for anyone to get their home up to the clean standards that they want to live in. A Honeywell F500B1009 air pruifier could be the perfect example of this because this is a system which will hook up to the central air system of your house to constantly be providing a high level of purification to your home. It is one of the leading central air purifiers that you could expect to find while you are searching for the right model for your environment.
Pros of Honeywell F500B1009 Air Purifier
Cons of Honeywell F500B1009 Central Air Purifier
What does the Honeywell Hepa Air Cleaner offer its Users?
HEPA technology is some of the strongest technology that you could hope for when you are looking to have a purifier that cleans you entire house. Typically, HEPA technology will take out all of the particles in the air that are 0.3 microns or larger at a success rate of 99.7% or better. This will allow you to have the cleanest, purest air possible. Naturally, the Honeywell F500B1009 model will do the same because it is pointless to release a model that doesn't improve on the technology already existing. The first step this Hepa air purifier will go through is a pre-filter. This pre-filter will work on removing the largest particles from the air, such as hair, lint, and other forms of dirt. The more that the pre-filter can remove from the air, the longer the main HEPA filter will be able to last. This should provide you with a strong, long-lasting filter technology in your central air purifiers. After the air is sent through the pre-filter, it will be exposed to the main HEPA filter. This HEPA filter works to remove the smallest contaminates from your air and make it cleaner and safer to breathe once more. Using this HEPA filter means that you are going to give yourself the greatest chance to breathe pure air from anywhere in your house. After the air is purified, it will be run through an activated carbon filter. This will help to remove any odors or chemicals which may still be present in the air. The carbon from this filter will attack the organic compounds in the air which make up the odors and chemicals and this will help to erase them from the air.
The system will work for as long as you are running the fan that is a part of your central air control. When the fan is off, the air in your home will not be stirred around and attracted into the central air purifiers. As long as the air is moving, however, you house will be purified.
The pre-filter will usually need to be changed once every year. A replacement pre-filter is generally $45. The carbon filters should be replaced every three months and can be found in a four-pack for about $55. Changing the HEPA filter is more expensive, at $188. It should only need to be replaced around every 3 years, however.
The energy level that it runs on will be 120 volts of alternating current, which is typical for an appliance of this nature. It will keep the machine constantly running and give you the best opportunity for air purification in your home. Running it on a lower amount of energy will not produce enough power to effectively purify your entire home.
The model will also feature a 5 year limited warranty so in case any damage happens to the model itself or the motor inside, repairs will be provided for. It will give you the best chance to always have a working purifier.
A Honeywell F500B1009 model could help protect against all of these while working at a high level of efficiency with the HEPA technology that it employs. If the budget allows for one of these models, it is a very good option for any home. RECOMMENDED       |
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