A BlueAir 402 air purifier is one that uses a few different types of air filtration to help make sure that you are getting the highest level of air quality cleaning that you can get.Using HEPA technology along with electrostatic filtration techniques, you will be exposed to a level of quality air purifying that you may not be able to get in any other type of purifier. Make the smart choice by looking into a BlueAir 402 air purifier more.
Pros of Blue Air 402 Air Purifier
Cons of Blue Air 402 Air Purifier
What Does BlueAir 402 Air Purifier Offer?
Traditional HEPA filters were not enough for Blue Air, who took the existing HEPA technology and updated it to fit their particular needs. This resulted in a HEPASilent filter, which works even better than the traditional HEPA and runs at a much quieter noise level. One who uses a HEPASilent filter will never be bothered by an air purifier again. A traditional HEPA filter will capture particles that are 0.3 microns small and larger, traditionally. This can help remove a great deal of contaminates from the air. The only problem is that there are more contaminates much smaller than 0.3 microns. Therefore, by using an electrostatic technology, a HEPASilent filter used by the BlueAir 402 model will help to absorb particles as small as 0.1 microns. This will work on 99.97% of the air that is passed through this filter. This turns the HEPASilent filter into a great investment because it will allow you to have one of the highest levels of purification possible while running your machine without a great deal of noise. It's nearly silent and you will not be forced to suffer any distractions in the meantime. If you are looking to have an odor removal feature as well, you can use the Smokestop Filter to help remove all unwanted odors. Using activated carbon, this feature will attack the organic compounds in the air which make up these odors. It will break these compounds down and help to eliminate the odors from your home. It is not a necessary feature to use, however, aiding you in saving a little money from filter replacement.
In larger spaces, the purifier will work less well. A 900 square foot area, for example, will receive 2 complete air changes in the same time period.
A traditional HEPASilent replacement filter will cost around $60. The Smokestop filter generally retails for around $120. The Smokestop filter is an optional filter, however, which gives you the option of replacing it only when you feel the odor reduction is no longer working. Besides this, you should wipe the unit down frequently. This will help to remove dust and other dirt that will build up on the unit, especially around the fan. This will stop the machine from clogging up and will keep it running at an optimal speed.
A 402 will usually be found for around $390. You may be able to find deals featuring them with additional filters, which may affect the price, although you can expect to spend at least this amount on the model.
You may need to replace the filters often, but the warranty that comes with the unit should provide for a great long-lasting air filter. This could be the perfect choice for anyone who wants a highly purified environment for their best comfort level.       |
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