air purifiers

Do you suffer from Allergies?


In this section of the website you will find interviews of people suffering with different allergies and what they do about it.

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Do you suffer from any kind of allergies? If you do, you are welsome to join in and tell us about them and how you handle your allergies.

You can join in by answering these questions about your allergies by simply typing in you replies in the submission box below.

  • What is the allergy you suffer from?At what age did it start for you?
  • What are the symptoms? and what discomfort do you go through? Is it seasonal?
  • How is it while traveling for you with your allergies? Do you have to carry a lot of medications and other required items with you?
  • Have you found a solution? If yes, how have you dealt with it?
  • Have you been able to get rid of them?What did you do to get rid of it?
  • Did you use any products, if so, which ones?
  • Do you use Air purifiers at home/Indoors to tackle your allergies? If yes, can you tell us which technology does it use? how effective have you found them?
  • A little info about yourself

Do you suffer from Allergies?

Tell us how you deal with them....

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Allergic to Weather Change since the age of 4 
What is the allergy you suffer from? I am allergic to weather. It means I have allergy every time the weather changes At what age did it start …

Allergic to Dust Mites Not rated yet
What is the allergy you suffer from? I am allergic to dust mites and suffer from severe bronchial asthma if I do dusting or cleaning up of the house. …

Cats cause me a great deal of discomfort... Not rated yet
What is the allergy you suffer from? I suffer from allergies to cats and horses At what age did it start for you? I have had this allergy …

Allergic to dust, pollen, and the worst one is fresh cut grass. Not rated yet
What is the allergy you suffer from? I have suffered from allergies to many different things including dust, pollen, and probably the worst one for …

My Allergies give me Headache,Runny Nose, Irritation in my Throat and Itchy Eyes... Not rated yet
What is the allergy you suffer from? I suffer from dust pollen and other odors like perfume and sprays. I might also be allergic to pet dander as …

Allegra has helped me with my allergies Not rated yet
What is the allergy you suffer from?At what age did it start for you? I have suffered from allergies for a number of years, though they began to worsen …

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What Can Air Purifiers Do?

Air purifiers can reduce and eliminate a whole host of airborne contaminants such as -

  • Household Dust
  • Dust Mites
  • Pollen
  • Pet Dander
  • Mold Spores
  • Mildew
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Gases
  • Odors
  • Chemicals


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