Determining the Different Air Purifier Ratings 
  Air Purifier Ratings should play a major part in your decision of which air purifier will be the right purchase for your home. Each of the different brands work on a different form of technology and many different types of filters are generally used, even in a single air purifier. Knowing how to determine the difference between all of the various air purifier ratings should be a major factor in your decision of which air purifier is right for your home.
What Goes Into an Air Cleaner Rating?Every air purifier is made in a different way, even those which are made by the same brand. Therefore, it is important that when you are looking for the purifier which will work the best in your specific set of circumstances, you are going to need to evaluate all of the different ways in which a purifier operates.This will cover a wide range of details. The more that you know about each of these details, the more experienced you will be when the time comes to make a decision. Perhaps the most important quality that goes into air purifier ratings and reviews would be that of the technology which is used to operate the filter. Some forms of technology are arguably better than others, although it will largely come down to personal taste. Most of this technology will relate to the type of filters which are used in the unit, although other factors will largely come into play. If you do not know what all the parts of a purifier comprise, you will never be able to understand an air purifier rating. The biggest consideration which plays a part of rating an air purifier will be the type of filter technology that is used. Filters are specifically how the purifier will capture all of the particles or contaminates in the air. HEPA filters are some of the most popular forms of air purification which are used because they are some of the highest rated forms of filter that have been studied under consumer reporting panels. The rate of success that HEPA filters have usually been significantly higher than that of other purifiers. This isn't to say, however, that HEPA filters are inherently better. A HEPA filter will traditionally capture 99.7% of all contaminates in the air which are 0.3 microns or larger. This is naturally a very high rate of success. Other filters, however, like the PermaLife filter will use technology that is similar to HEPA to achieve results that are nearly identical. Other manufacturers will take specific HEPA technology and improve on it, making the HEPA filter be specially suited to their technology, giving their purifier an advantage over the other HEPA filters which exist. The HyperHEPA and HEPASilent filters are two examples of this. Other filters will take another approach entirely. Oreck uses a specially patented Truman Cell, which uses an electrostatic charge to attract particles in the air into sticking onto the filter technology. This can help remove even the smallest particles from the air and helping to purify an environment. Others will use an ion generator to introduce negative particles into the air. This can help to purify the air and give it a fresher sense. Some models will use UV light to help kill bacteria and viruses in the air. This can have a high level of success. Pre-filters are important as well because they can help to capture some of the largest particles from the air. The more that can be collected before the air reaches the main filter, the longer a life your main filter will have. It will also be much more effective. These pre-filters will also work at helping to curb the presence of odors in the air and will often have an activated carbon or charcoal element in them, which will help to break down the organic compounds in the air which cause those odors. The combination of all of these filter elements will play one of the largest roles in the air purifier ratings which are given. The more technology present, generally the cleaner and more pure the air will be. Understanding all of this technology is only a step.
What Else Comes Into Play?Nearly all of the filters which are used in an air purifier will need to be replaced at some point. Knowing which filters these are and how much these filters cost will be an important quality in giving a purifier an accurate rating. The more filters that need replaced, the more of a hassle this particular purifier may end up being. You should understand what the maximum recommended room size is of a particular air purifier. If you put a certain model in a room larger than it is designed to operate in, you won't be able to achieve much in the way of purification. The size of the room will play a large part in the air purifier ratings which are given. The noise level of the purifier will be closely related to the room size which the purifier is able to work in. The higher a speed that the purifier will work at, the more distance it can cover in terms of air changes. The more noise it will also make. Knowing how many fan speeds a purifier contains could affect your decision on purchasing that model. The price and the warranty are the final two factors which should always go into rating a purifier. If the model itself is not priced reasonable, buying it could be a waste of money. You should surely be able to find another model which will work at a much better rate and for a more reasonable price. By the same token, an air purifier is a major investment. If the machine itself is not protected by the manufacturer, it may not be worth the purchase. You will want to find the longest warranty with the most coverage possible.
Determining the Final Rating  Air cleaner ratings should always take all of these factors into careful consideration. The technology which runs the machine is just as important as the price that you are going to pay for it. If the machine needs frequent maintenance, it will not be as wise of a purchase as one that can run for years without the need to be changed.Understanding all of these components can help you make the smartest decision before you make the major purchase of an air purifier for your home or office needs.       |
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